This gorgeous family contacted me about an extended family session in the Oak Island area, and after some back and forth we finally settled on the waterfront in Lunenburg, and it was such a great choice! We arranged to meet at one end of the boardwalk, away from the majorilty of the tourists - or so I thought! As luck would have it it was race day in Lunenburg, and there were people everywhere lol. Just my luck! But despite the many race fans, the cannon-like blasts of the race gun constantly firing, and and all of the boats on the water we had such a great time! (except for that one time when I was addressing the group as a whole and the gun fired, scaring me half silly while they were all staring at me ha!).
These guys were all so laid back and easy going, and all of the gorgeous littles!! My oh my I have never seen so many adorable little faces in one place, and so many sweet little smiles. They were all so genuinely happy to be in each other's company, and I just loved capturing it all. Thank you so much Daly family, it was such a pleasure!!